Rotten A5 Fold-out Leaflets


Rotten A5 Fold-out Leaflets

Product Information

If you are ordering these for FREE as part of our action week, it is only one free pack per person.

Our Rotten A5 fold-out leaflets tell the story of the lifecyle of an egg-laying hen in UK farming. It starts by explaining how her life begins in the sterile environment of a hatchery, followed by the conditions she is imprisoned in throughout all levels of so-called ‘welfare’ - from enriched cages to ‘free-range’. The leaflet goes on to explain that no matter what system she is kept in, she will be slaughtered at just 18 months old when she is considered ‘spent’ and therefore useless to the industry.

This is a useful educational resource for outreach events and door dropping!

Our leaflets come in bundles of 50.

Shipping Information
Shipping is by second class post and cost is based on the weight of the item(s). Purchases usually ship next day, however, please allow up to 14 days for delivery.
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Rotten A5 Fold-out Leaflets

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