Stand up. Speak out. End Injustice.

You can make a difference. Join Animal Justice Project’s movement of changemakers who support our mission and share the vision of a vegan world.

All social justice movements focus on speaking up for the rights of those whose voices need to be heard. History shows us that real change happens only when people speak out against injustice. There’s nothing we can’t accomplish together through love, compassion, and determination.

Demand rights, not welfare

Welfare schemes are not enough. Animals deserve rights – by using your voice you can help demand them through our actions.
Call on the RSPCA to care “for every kind” by committing to severing ties with RSPCA Assured and instead promote plant-based foods


Policy reforms rely on caring and informed people like you to call on their MPs to act. Your elected MPs work for you — by using your voice you can make meaningful, important change for farmed animals.
Demand that East Lindsey District Council takes a pledge against Intensive Poultry Units (IPUs) in Lincolnshire, to prevent millions of chickens from suffering
Help to ban UK duck farming in response to our multiple investigations into Britain's largest duck producer, Gressingham Foods. UK duck farming directly breaches the Animal Welfare Act 2006 because commercial duck farming does not provide even the most basic ‘protections’ to the bird
Urge the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to carry out an urgent and independent review of UK slaughter legislation, and push for an immediate end to the public funding of slaughterhouses
Urge the UK government to support plant-based farming and end subsidies  for exploitative and unsustainable animal agriculture


Retailers listen to consumers. They need you more than you need them — help them do the right thing and make necessary change happen.
Tell the ‘Big Six’ supermarkets — ASDA, Coop, Waitrose, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Tesco — to give Gressingham Foods the boot and end their sale of duck meat
Help Sainsbury's ensure male dairy calves aren’t sold on to markets and dealers from their dairy farms, where they may be subjected to abuse and slaughter. Until then, Sainsbury’s ban on the shooting of bull calves on farms is worthless
Urge Morrisons to drop the calf trader Buitelaar, a company trading in thousands of tiny, motherless calves each year like they are property,  and help end calf cruelty


When farms are caught breaking the law, or abusing animals, they may need extra pressure to end what they are doing. By contacting farms directly, you can help change come faster.
Urge Pastures Poultry chicken farm and slaughterhouse to transform into a plant-based outlet that is kind to animals

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